Important information regarding COVID-19 and Trunnell Insurance Services

After serious contemplation I’ve decided to have the entire office work remotely for the next week or two while we watch the effect of the pandemic play out. I considered our social responsibility along with the health of everyone employed and feel it’s the correct decision at this time.

We will be monitoring voicemail during normal office hours M-F 9-530pm, but email will be our preferred method of contact. If you don’t have someone’s direct email send a message to and we will make sure we contact you ASAP.

Also, feel free to text the office at 6303458687. All correspondence will save directly to your profile to permanently document your inquiry.

I will send out notification once the office is back to normal function.  I’m hoping it’s only a week or two, but we will see how this plays out.  Thank you for your patience and please know how much your business is appreciated.  Stay healthy and hopefully this is over sooner rather than later.

Anthony Trunnell