Anthony Trunnell sat down with NCTV17’s Business Connection to talk about what you should do when you get into an accident.
Call police to the scene
No one wants to take the time to do this, but it will save you time and a potential headache in the future. When police are present, the full story comes out and people tend to be more honest. The evidence is there, and it eliminates the chance that the story will change later.
If there are 2 cars involved, you must get a police report for an insurance claim; both party’s insurance companies will request it. If you don’t call the police, you’ll end up driving to the police station anyway.
Also, don’t be the nice guy and leave without a police report. The at-fault driver tends to go home and think about their insurance premiums increasing. They wake up the next day and all of a
sudden their story changes. You may end up being responsible for more of the accident than you thought.
And then call your insurance agent!
Your agent understands the policy consequences when you turn in a claim depending on who is at fault, what companies are involved and the type/amount of damage. Some company’s rates will be affected regardless of who’s at fault or if payment is made. Small claims may cost more in future premiums than you’ll receive back after your deductible. Calling your agent will give you a strategy to effectively deal with a claim and its results.
If you have a problem with your company during the claim process call your agent!
Insurance agents have access to back channels and reps who can escalate a claim up to the corporate chain if there’s an issue. Insurance companies worry about their reputation and want clients satisfied with 100%. They can’t help you if they don’t know there’s a problem. Speak up for yourself so your agent can help you and earn their commission!