Teen Driver Myth – Common Mistake When There is a New Driver in the Family

Anthony Trunnell explains a myth he hears this all the time when someone is worried about the cost of insurance for a new driver.

“My friend told me that I don’t need to add my teenager to the policy, they are automatically covered because the insurance goes with the vehicle.”

This is NOT true. All Drivers have to be added to the policy. Trunnell Insurance Service Principle Anthony Trunnell sits down with Liz Spencer of NCTV17’s Business Connection to explain a myth he hears all the time when dealing with new teenage drivers. He explains that any driver in the household has to be listed on the policy. Someone could be excluded, but their name must be on the policy. Any person who operated the car on a regular basis (at least once a month). Your policy does cover those who are not regular drivers, like a mother who may use the car once a year. 1 out of 5 sixteen-year-old will get in an accident in their first year of driving. Make sure you have the right coverage and all your drivers are on the policy.